Treat the Whole Patient: Bring in the Psychiatrist | Psychiatric Times

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Behavioral problems “masquerade” as physical symptoms. The time has come to treat the whole patient and to make psychiatry part and parcel of primary care.

Mellisa McJunkin‘s insight:

Well, here’s an interesting statistic: It is estimated that up to half of the population have symptoms consistent with the one of the recognized psychiatric diagnoses described in the DSM-5. Of those patients in whom psychiatric illness has been diagnosed, fewer than have have their symptoms treated by a physician.


Ok….. this has gotta change. Prior to 1980, psych patients were always treated medically first. That is… the Dr’s knew that mental/brain illness were medically induced.


It’s not gonna change until we stand up to the powers that be and demand patients be medically tested and treated.


The most common reasons for mental illness are:

Nutrient deficiencies

Inflammation of the brain

Infections (including parasites)

Hormonal imbalances


Functional Medicine doctors know how to treat the "WHOLE" patient. Go find yourself one now.


Enjoy the day.



Consider the following: It is estimated that up to half of the population have symptoms consistent with one of the recognized psychiatric diagnoses described in DSM-5. Of those patients in whom psychiatric illness has been diagnosed, fewer than half have their symptoms treated by a physician. – See more at: the following: It is estimated that up to half of the population have symptoms consistent with one of the recognized psychiatric diagnoses described in DSM-5. Of those patients in whom psychiatric illness has been diagnosed, fewer than half have their symptoms treated by a physician. – See more at: the following: It is estimated that up to half of the population have symptoms consistent with one of the recognized psychiatric diagnoses described in DSM-5. Of those patients in whom psychiatric illness has been diagnosed, fewer than half have their symptoms treated by a physician. – See more at: the following: It is estimated that up to half of the population have symptoms consistent with one of the recognized psychiatric diagnoses described in DSM-5. Of those patients in whom psychiatric illness has been diagnosed, fewer than half have their symptoms treated by a physician. – See more at: the following: It is estimated that up to half of the population have symptoms consistent with one of the recognized psychiatric diagnoses described in DSM-5. Of those patients in whom psychiatric illness has been diagnosed, fewer than half have their symptoms treated by a physician. – See more at:

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