The Life Extension Blog: Brain Foods that May Have Slipped Your Mind

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“You’ve probably heard the phrase “you are what you eat” – and it’s true.

Your most complex organ, the brain, is made up of the very stuff that you consume on a daily basis. So, if you want a healthy brain, you should probably pay serious attention to your diet.”

Mellisa Strom McJunkin‘s insight:

And I would even go as far as to say EVERYTHING we do or do NOT eat, drink, inhale, and absorb through out skin has an effect our on brain.


The point of this article is to tell us what foods are good for our brain function. But you also need to know that deprived, depleted, toxic bodies and brains are unhealthy and will malfunction eventually.


How that may look will differ from one to another but here are some of the top signs; depression, brain fog, dementia, confusion, irritability, anxiety, add/adhd, bipolar and more.


It is very important to eat the most brain healthy foods, but the fact of the matter is it is next to impossible to always get all that our brain needs on a daily basis without supplmentation.And I am not talking about popping a "One A Day". No offense, but grocery store vitamins DO NOT have highly bioavailable, bioactive components that are critical for brain health.


However, there are high quality supplements available through independent channels. Ones that are proven safe and effective in science, in case studies and even in court.


The only ones that I know and trust to do the job well can be found through Q Sciences.


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